Did you know that Ravenna, Texas has a total area of 1.20 square miles?
Please Click Here for Ordinances
Please Click one of the below Links to download the permit application to your Computer. You will then want to print this out and fill it out with pen and paper and deliver it to City Hall during office hours.
AccessoryCarport Building Permit
The City
Ravenna is a city in Fannin County. Located in northern Texas, Ravenna, has a population of only 209 (2010).
Informational Links Below
Compared to the rest of the states, Ravenna's cost of living is 22.6% lower than the U.S. average costs.
ComMunity Bulletin Board
The Planning & Zoning Committee is in need of more members. They meet the second Tuesday of each month. If interested please contact Mark Ownes at 903-640-3756 or email: alan.daniels22@yahoo.com
5 year plan
5 year plan prospectus
Ravenna Farmers Market
Council Meeting will be postponed until February 25, 2025 due to inclement weather
DATE OF MEETING: February 25, 2025
LOCATION OF MEETING: Ravenna City Hall 103 N. Main St. Ravenna
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting Agenda
Called to order
Regular Session (This Regular Session may, at any time, be recessed to convene an Executive Session for any purpose authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.)
1. Citizens Opportunity to Speak: [The Board of Commissioners invites persons with comments or observations to briefly Address the Board of Commissioners for he limited purpose of determining whether the matter should be referred to staff for study and response and/or be placed on a future meeting agenda. State law prohibits the Board of Commissioners from considering deliberations on any item not listed on the posted Board of Commissioners Agenda.]
2. Statutory Consent Agenda-The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine Items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda In order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda.
A. Consideration and possible action to approve meeting minutes for the Regular Meeting held on January21, 2025-Pat Patterson, City Secretary.
B. Consideration and possible action to accept financial report for month ending January, 2025.
3. Consider and take action regarding burn ban. (Deactivated)
A. Consider and take action regarding burn ban signs.
4. Reports from Commissioners and City Staff (No Action to Be Taken)
A. Mayor-Erik Premont
B. Mayor Pro Tem-Claude Lewis, Jr.
C. City Commissioner
D. City Secretary-Pat Patterson (activities and information)
E. TCOG Representative-Mary Browning-Rodriguez (update)
F. City Attorney-Michael Evans (updates on City legal work)
G. Planning and Zoning-Mark Owens
H. Communications-James Peercy (update)
5. Consider and take action regarding nominations for itinerary City Commissioner until election for commissioners is held on May 6, 2025.
6. Statis update regarding 200 E. Maple St violations.
7. Consider and take action regarding Ordinance Violations at 210 Red Bud (Property ID 72832).
8. Consider and take action regarding placing an advertisement for receiving bids to hire a CPA to do an audit for the City of Ravenna.
9. Consider and take action regarding P & Z recommendations.
10. Consider and take action regarding the following City of Ravenna public works projects: street Maintenance, road work, and culverts; solar streetlights; tree trimming and mowing.
Discuss travel trailers/RV’s and residences residing in them.
(Red Bud washout)
11. Adjournment.
The Ravenna Board of Commissioners hereby express its intention of considering, deliberating, and taking action on any item listed on this agenda unless specifically stated otherwise.
Posted February 18, 2025 at 2:00 PM.
Patricia Patterson, City Secretary
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Persons with disability who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 903-449-4616 before 2:00 PM on the date of the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
history about ravenna
People started to move into what is now known as "Ravenna" in the early 1850's. The reason on how Ravenna got its name was because, there was a large ravine that had split the town, so then the people named it that. Another cool fact is, is that in 1885, the city had a population of 150 and a functional post office. How amazing is that?!
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